When you need to securely dispose of large quantities of municipal solid waste, recycling materials, contaminated soil, sludge, construction debris, demolition debris or just about anything else, our roll-off containers are your best way to go. We’ll place one or more of our rugged steel containers at your site, then place our trucks at your service.
More than 500 containers are available, efficiently serviced by a dozen Riccelli trucks. Whether your business involves building, demolishing, renovating or recycling, we’ll help you do it right.
Choose from a variety of container styles and capacities, depending on your needs. Talk with us, and tap our expertise to help determine the best selection for your specific needs.
We’ll help evaluate your particular situation to determine which size container best suits you. Our three standard models vary in capacity from 20 to 30 to 40 cubic yards of volume, offering a broad range of options.